Welcome to Cannington Community College

About us

Our purpose is to ensure students leave the College well prepared for their future

The College Plan

2023 – 2025 Business Plan

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College Board

The College Board is formed with the purpose of enabling parents and members of the community to engage purposefully in furthering the best interests of students and enhancing the education provided by the College.  The Board comprises representatives from both the College staff and the parent community and it meets regularly to consider school performance and policy formulation.

School Board Members & Tenures

Parent Representatives Tenure End (December)
Aniqa Hussain (Chair) 2025
Community Representatives
Mike Fitzpatrick 2025
Jacqueline McKenzie 2025
Gary McCullough 2025
Mike Todd 2025
Kylie Miller 2025
Heather Junus 2025
Student Representatives
Dylan Dino (Head Boy) 2024
Jeseth Simbajon (Head Girl) 2024
Rebecca Kirkwood 2024
Minute Secretary
Elli Golding 2023

P&C Association

The P&C supports the College and students by fundraising for play resources, library materials, end-of-year awards and prizes, and equipment used throughout the College.

We are very fortunate to have a canteen that opens each school day. Our canteen provides freshly prepared food that is not only nutritious but also tasty and is sold at an affordable price. We are always appreciative of purchases from our canteen that help to keep us operating.

We are always looking to increase our parent involvement and with such a multicultural College, we value input from different cultures.

P&C Member Name Position
Patrick Briant President
Stephanie Turner Vice President
Jeanette Culling Treasurer
Danielle Marchini Secretary
Committee Members
Theresa Marchini
Kylie Lewis
Paulette Baldwin
Heather Junus
Aniqa Hussain
Masooma Fatima
Katrina Gilmore

The next P&C Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th April at 3.00pm in the College Library.