Welcome to Cannington Community College

About us

Our purpose is to ensure students leave the College well prepared for their future

The College Plan

2023 – 2025 Business Plan

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Cannington Community College was developed in 2001 from the combination of Cannington Primary School and Cannington Senior High School. Our student body stems from across the globe, with two in five of our students born overseas.

The College’s diverse team of staff includes 45 teaching staff and 26 non-teaching staff. Staff at Cannington are committed to empowering students to contribute positively to society, shaping their futures using knowledge and skills developed in partnership with families and the community. 

At Cannington, our purpose is to ensure students leave the College well-prepared for their future and have opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to achieve their individual potential and play an active part in

civic and economic life.