Welcome to Cannington Community College

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Our purpose is to ensure students leave the College well prepared for their future

The College Plan

2023 – 2025 Business Plan

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Reconciliation Action Plan


Cannington Community College’s vision for reconciliation is that our entire school community continues to:

• Actively acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians, the Traditional Owners of Lands across this country and connected to the oldest continuing cultures in the world

•  Acknowledge the true histories of Australia, including the injustices which have occurred since colonisation and the continuing trauma these injustices have had on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We also acknowledge the continued strengths and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture.

•  Promote opportunities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices to be heard and encourage non-Indigenous people to be open to active listening

•  Make a commitment to open communication between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people, side-by-side, working together to heal the past and make positive changes for our shared future

• Respect and value Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples’ rich and diverse histories, languages and cultures

• Respect and nurture the Noongar Country on which our school stands, and be open to learning from Noongar traditions how best to sustain this precious Land

• Strive for equality and equity for all people and do its part to make Australia an inclusive nation, free of racism with equal and equitable opportunities for all – a fair go for everyone without discrimination.