Welcome to Cannington Community College

About us

Our purpose is to ensure students leave the College well prepared for their future

The College Plan

2023 – 2025 Business Plan

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News and Events

Cannington Community College is committed to keeping you up-to-date with all the exciting events, achievements, and initiatives taking place within our school and beyond.

Whether you are a student, parent, staff member, or community member, this platform serves as a valuable resource to discover the latest news, noteworthy accomplishments, and upcoming events that shape our college's dynamic environment. From academic achievements and extracurricular activities to community outreach programs and cultural celebrations, our news section covers a diverse range of topics that showcase the rich tapestry of experiences at Cannington Community College.

By visiting our events section, you'll gain access to a comprehensive calendar that highlights upcoming happenings such as academic competitions, sports tournaments, parent-teacher conferences, student performances, and more. We believe in fostering a well-rounded educational experience that extends beyond the classroom, and our events serve as opportunities for students, parents, and community members to come together and celebrate our shared accomplishments.

Stay connected with us as we celebrate the achievements of our students and staff, share important updates, and invite you to participate in the vibrant tapestry of our Cannington Community College family. We invite you to explore our news and events sections regularly to stay informed and engaged with the pulse of our educational community.