Welcome to Cannington Community College

About us

Our purpose is to ensure students leave the College well prepared for their future

The College Plan

2023 – 2025 Business Plan

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Sports day

At Cannington Community College we support students and their families through difficult situations, so that our students can grow and strive to reach their potential. The Student Services staff are there to support our whole school community.

Here are just a few of the programs we engage with to support our students:

            • Vocational Programs - Work Experience, Year 10 Access to the Sevenoaks Trade Training Centre and AIME (An Indigenous Mentoring Program) and construction Try a Trade Courses at Silver Trowel Training.

            • Curriculum Programs - after school clubs; literacy and numeracy support, art, music, football and SES Cadets.

If you require any information or support, please contact us at Student Services on 9351 2408.



Cannington Community College is a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school. The PBS model ensures consistency of behaviour expectations from Kindergarten to Year 10. The emphasis is placed on acknowledging positive behaviours and supporting un-met expectations with a teaching focus. Negative behaviours are seen as a skill deficit that needs to be explicitly taught, as we do when a child cannot read or spell.

The College has a Behaviour Matrix that clearly states the behaviours that both staff and students are expected to demonstrate throughout the different areas of the school. These are linked to our core values of Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Pride.

the grace with which it holds itself as it moves through the water.  They are a representation of faith and loyalty. Students who demonstrate pride in their school are loyal and united.

Behaviour Acknowledgement & Recognition

Behaviour acknowledgement & recognition Students receive verbal praise and acknowledgment when behaviour expectations are met. They may also receive a Faction Token, indicating the value they have demonstrated. The tokens are placed in collection boxes, in the canteen area for Secondary students and in each classroom for Primary students. Tokens are recorded on the 'House Points' system, linking the token to the individual student as well as their faction. Certificates are awarded when students receive 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 tokens. The tokens are placed in year group containers. A weekly raffle takes place where a token is drawn from each year group. Prices range from canteen vouchers, special privileges, toys and books. At the end of each term, a major raffle for each year group takes place where Secondary students receive gift vouchers and Primary students receive a prize pack.